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MInutes, January 25, 2007
Salem Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, January 25, 2007

A regular meeting of the Salem Conservation Commission was held on Thursday, January 25, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. in the third floor Room 311 at 120 Washington Street.

Those present were:  Kevin Cornacchio, Joseph Furnari, Michael Blier, Keith Glidden and Amy Hamilton.  Also present were Carey Duques, Conservation Administrator and Julie Quinn, Clerk.

Members absent: David Pabich and David Summer

Meeting Minutes—January 11, 2007
The minutes of the Salem Conservation Commission meeting held on January 11, 2007 were presented for approval.  Joseph Furnari moved to approve the minutes with typo corrections, seconded by Keith Glidden and approved (4-0).

Continuation of a Public Hearing—Notice of Intent—DEP #64-426— A & H Auto Exchange Inc., 15 Robinson Road, Salem, MA.  
Kevin Cornacchio read aloud a letter from Bruce Poole requesting a continuation to the February 8th meeting.  

Joseph Furnari made a motion to continue the item until February 8th, seconded by Michael Blier and approved (4-0).

Continuation of a Public Hearing—Notice of Intent— DEP #64-434—Town and Country Homes 532 Lowell Street Peabody, MA 01960.  
Kevin Cornacchio read aloud a letter from Attorney John Kelty requesting a continuation to March 8th.

Joseph Furnari made a motion to continue the item until February 8th, seconded by Kevin Cornacchio and approved (5-0).

Old /New Business
Barbara Warren appeared before the Conservation Commission and explained the Northshore Greenscapes program with the hope that Salem would sign on as a member of Greenscapes.  She noted that the goal of Greenscapes is to reduce stormwater runoff and conserve water through educating the public.  She described the deliverables associated with membership in Greenscapes including a mailing to single-family houses, workshops for Salem residents and access to the Greenscapes website.  She noted that Manchester, Gloucester, Boxford, North Reading and South Hamilton have already joined Greenscapes.

Kevin Cornacchio noted that he had attended a Greenscapes event last month and that he highly recommended the Conservation Commission approve membership.

Ms. Warren broke down the City’s membership fee as follows: $1,500 program fee + (6,512 households X $.50 for mailing) = $4,756.  She noted that this is an annual fee.

Joseph Furnari Made a motion to release the funds from the Conservation Commission account to join Greenscapes, seconded by Amy Hamilton and approved (5-0).

Violation on Tinker’s Island
Dierdre Robbins, representing the Owner Mr. Silva, appeared before the Conservation Commission.  She explained that the Owner had received approval from the Association to construct a house and that he was told by the Association that was the only approval required. She noted that the Owner is now aware that he must file an NOI and is requesting 60 days to prepare the filing for presentation to the Conservation Commission.

Mr. Silva described the site, noting that he had replaced an old ramp down to the beach and had begun construction on the first story of the home.  He describe the original house on the site as being deteriorated and noted that only the footings remained.  He noted that the home, like all homes on the island, is a seasonal camp; there are 15 homes on the island.  He also described a shed on the site that he has not yet touched.  He further noted that there is no landing.

Carey Duques reminded Mr. Silva that he would need a Chapter 91 license to construct a landing.  She also noted that the Conservation Commission wants to be sure that the construction is compliant with the Board of Health, Building and Zoning regulations.

Mr. Silva stated that sewage is currently handled using a peat moss system and incinerators.  He further stated that there will be a rainwater shower and no cooking facilities, so runoff would be limited.

Carey Duques noted that she and the Building Inspector are planning a trip out to the site within a few weeks, weather permitting.

Joseph Furnari reminded the owner that there is still a cease and desist order on his property until the NOI has been filed and an Order of Conditions has been filed.

Attorney Robbins and Mr. Silva indicated that they understand.

Carey Duques noted that Mr. Silva did respond to her letter immediately.

Kevin Cornacchio said that being the case, the Conservation Commission would not be issuing violation fees at this time.

Michael Blier wanted clarification as to what the Association told Mr. Silva at a meeting.

Carey Duques stated that it was her understanding that the City owns the island and the Association has a 5-year lease.

Attorney Robbins noted that she would be looking into the ownership issues on this property.

Kevin Cornacchio noted that Carey Duques needs to send a letter to the Association on behalf of the Conservation Commission, CCed to Attorney Robbins.

Attorney Robbins asked if the Conservation Commission had dealt with Tinkers Island in the past.  

Kevin Cornacchio replied that in his 10 years on the Conservation Commission, he has not.

Keith Glidden noted that any lessee would need to come before the Conservation Commission if the project is located within the Commissions jurisdiction.

The Conservation Commission approved a 60 day extension, noting that they would see the applicant again by April.

Violation at Lot 1 Buena Vista Ave West DEP #64-358— Working under an invalid Order of Conditions as of December 11, 2006 and additional violations of the Order of Conditions.  
Mr. Costa Sideridis, the owner of the property, appeared before the Conservation Commission.  He noted that he received the Conservation Commission’s letter on Saturday and contacted Carey Duques on Monday and had instructed his contractor to stop work.  He noted that he had purchased the property from Tache Realty and that construction of the house is still in process.

Kevin Cornacchio asked why Mr. Sideridis had not responded to the letter the Conservation Commission sent stating that the Order of Conditions on the property was expiring.

Mr. Sideridis noted that the letter had been sent to Tache Realty and that he had been told by Tache Realty that they had responded.

Carey Duques stated that the previous owner sent a letter to the Conservation Commission dated January 15, 2007 stating that he had stopped by the office, letting the Conservation Commission know about the change in ownership.

Mr. Sideridis asked if the Order of Conditions could be reissued, stating that nothing had changed from the original plan presented.

Keith Glidden noted that the pictures look different than the original plan, specifically the dimensions of the structure/deck and grading appeared to have changed and that the silt fence is no longer in place.

Carey Duques noted that the building inspector noticed that the fill used contained bricks, cement blocks and was not clean.

The Conservation Commission asked Mr. Sideridis to submit a new NOI with current and accurate plans, including more detailed elevation and re-grading contours.

Michael Blier noted that Mr. Sideridis would need to submit a planting plan, specifically in relation to the slope.

Kevin Cornacchio added that the owner needs to reestablish erosion control measures, as appropriate for winter conditions.

Dan Trembly of Danco, the Contractor working for the Applicant, noted that the building is weather tight and that the Building Department had not issued a cease and desist order.

The Conservation Commission agreed that construction to the interior of the unit did not fall within the Conservation Commission’s cease and desist order.  They noted that due to the need for the applicant to re-file, get the surveyor (Chris Mello of Eastern Land Survey) back on site to do new plans, and the weather, exterior construction would likely be shut down through the spring.

Carey Duques noted that the Applicant did respond to her letter immediately.

Kevin Cornacchio said that being the case, the Conservation Commission would not be issuing violation fees at this time.

There being no further business to come before the Commission this evening a motion was made by Joseph Furnari to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Keith Glidden and approved (5-0).

The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:
Julie Lynn Quinn, Clerk
Salem Conservation Commission
Conservation Commission012507